Friday, September 19, 2014


Here’s another website about the English Chavacano Handbook.


 This book is intended to freeze in time, the language that has been handed down from generation to generations since the Spaniards set foot in Zamboanga near the middle of the 16th century.

Through the years, much have been said or written about Chavacano (As it has come to be known). There have been disparaging as well as ennobling write-ups and research findings about Chavacano.

There are or were attempts to pin down on the printed page, the Chavacano spoken in the streets. Some have succeeded but few, if any, have come up with recent and updated editions of their works..

My experience in the language, -from birth,-in day to day  communication, its use in the classroom as a medium of instruction, for write-ups in newspapers has provided me more than my share of living in the language. My work, since 1994, as the news editor of a Chavacano Newscast over a television station, and the other mentioned experiences have raised the imperative of locking the idiom in the printed page.

This book answers the call of many to help preserve this unique imprint on our lives.

                                                            -The Author
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